Great Falls area state parks seeking volunteers

Great Falls area state parks are seeking volunteers for three upcoming maintenance projects in September.

On Sept. 11, Giant Springs State Park will host a community trail volunteer work day for the 9/11 Commemoration Day of Service. Work will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Ryan Trailhead along the north shore and will include trimming overgrown vegetation along the trails and maintenance of the trail tread.

On Sept. 18, Giant Springs is looking for volunteers to assist with a trail project from 10 a.m. until noon. Work will include repairing trails that were damaged over the summer and helping to prepare trails for wet weather ahead in the fall.

Pre-registration is required for both events. Interested individuals should contact Giant Springs Ranger Station as 727-1212 or email to sign up.

Tower Rock State Park is holding a noxious weed pull event on National Public Lands Day Sept. 25 from 10 a.m. to noon, to assist in removing invasive spotted knapweed. This event is weather dependent and may be cancelled due to ice or snow. Please call First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park at 866-2217 to reserve a spot.

Volunteers for all events are asked to wear long pants, sturdy close-toed shoes or hiking boots, and to bring plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen and anything else they would like to have for a few hours of trail work. Tools and gloves will be provided. Participation in these events will require varying degrees of physical labor, including digging, bending, lifting and the use of trail tools.

The parks ask visitors to be mindful of the days when work is occurring on trails and in the park, as they may see increased activity around trailheads and on trails, encounter volunteers working along the trails and notice more movement of staff vehicles.